VA LA National Cemetery
Teamed with BVB, HEI provided all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, supplies and travel necessary to perform Phase 1A of the Los Angeles National Cemetery. This contract will primarily include renovation of Administration Building 1001. The building is on the National Register of Historic Places and was constructed circa 1939 including new indoor and outdoor telecommunications Cat3, Cat6, and Single Mode fiber cabling.
VA Prescott Modernize & Replace Communication Infrastructure
Teamed with D-SQUARE,
HEI provided all supervision, labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, supplies and travel necessary to renovate 17 communications rooms. This included new ladder rack, wall and floor mounted racks, patch panels and new indoor and outdoor telecommunications Cat3, Cat6, and Single Mode fiber cabling. Project also included close coordination with VA representatives to extend existing circuits.
Pt Mugu Engine TS Fiber #243 NAVFAC PT MUGU
Teamed with I.E. PACIFIC, HEI provided supervision, all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to perform the following change:
Install OUTDOOR SM AERIAL fiber optic line from PM-632A to the new Engine Test Stand building, PM-689 in accordance with a government-approved Final Design and design concept. The team provided the Final Design and Specifications, ensuring they meet minimum requirements for UFGS 27 21 10.00 40 Fiber Optic Data Transmission System, UFC 3-580-01 Telecommunications Interior Infrastructure, and all other applicable UFGS and UFC requirements. The Team was responsible for routing a Final Design for government approval.